TikTok Lawsuit for Teenage Harm

You may have grounds to file a TikTok lawsuit if your child or teenager has been negatively impacted while using the social media app. Parents across the country are filing lawsuits against TikTok, claiming the app is designed to be addictive and exposes young people to harmful content. The attorneys at Cutter Law in California are ready to represent your family’s interests, taking on companies that put profit over consumer safety.

Social media addiction is a severe problem affecting young people today. Studies have linked the use of TikTok and other social media platforms to poor mental health among adolescents. There’s also evidence that social media apps, particularly TikTok, can cause physical symptoms such as muscle tics and paralysis among young users.

If your family has suffered from negative outcomes associated with social media use, our California personal injury lawyers can help. The team at Cutter Law will investigate your social media harm claims and explain your options for moving forward with a lawsuit against TikTok for teen harm.

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Who is using TikTok?

TikTok is a video-sharing app that allows users to create, view, and share content with others around the globe. For an app that has only existed since 2016, TikTok has some pretty robust statistics behind it:

  • TikTok users are now found in 154 countries around the globe.
  • There are 834.3 million active TikTok users worldwide.
  • TikTok had 672 million downloads in 2022.
  • 58 percent of Gen Z users 13-17 visit the app at least once a day.
  • Children spend 61 percent more time on TikTok than on YouTube.

What makes TikTok harmful for young people?

Social media companies use dangerous algorithms designed to encourage young users to remain on the app for long periods of time. The more a user is drawn to a certain topic, the more often the algorithm leads them to content about that topic. The incentive for companies using these algorithms is to increase user engagement, leading to higher revenue.

Tiktok lawsuit for a teen

Mental Health Effects

Infographic for mental health effects of social media

Studies have shown that social media overuse is linked to a decline in mental health. Symptoms may include the following:

Tiktok lawsuit involving a teenager

Physical Symptoms

There is a phenomenon linked to TikTok videos, which has been coined social media-induced sociogenic illness. It causes physical symptoms in some young users, including leg pain, paralysis, and muscle tics similar to those seen in patients with Tourette syndrome.

Tiktok lawsuit involving a teen

What are the current allegations against TikTok?

Recent lawsuits allege that TikTok and similar social media apps were purposefully designed to be addictive. Those filing the lawsuits claim this has inadvertently exposed children and teenagers to harmful content. Parents of young people who have been harmed or committed suicide due to their social media use maintain that TikTok contributes to the severe mental health crisis among teenagers in America.

Nationwide, mental health lawsuits involving TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat now number in the thousands:

  • Seattle public schools are suing ByteDance (TikTok’s parent company) and other social media parent companies on the grounds that they targeted kids. They claim the resulting social media addiction has made it impossible for the district to educate students.
  • Late last year, Indiana became the first state to sue ByteDance for violating the state’s consumer protection laws. That lawsuit accuses TikTok of exposing young users to inappropriate content. It complains that the app’s algorithm promotes alcohol, tobacco, and drug use, sexually explicit material, nudity, and profanity. The lawsuit also takes issue with the deceptive nature of TikTok’s 12-and-above age ratings on the Apple and Google app stores.

Why is TikTok responsible?

In 2021, whistle-blower Frances Haugen testified before Congress that Meta subsidiaries Facebook and Instagram knew about the impact the apps had on teen mental health, particularly for young girls. The documents she referenced, now known as The Facebook Papers, were internal communications between social media executives acknowledging that their apps’ content was harmful and toxic.

Despite this knowledge, Meta continued to operate the platform the same way, putting profit over user welfare. Haugen’s testimony shed light on how social media algorithms work to hook young people.

What is the legal basis for making a social media harm claim?

If you or your child has been harmed by social media use, you may have the ability to file a lawsuit and recover damages for the following:

  • Medical or mental healthcare expenses
  • Behavioral therapy
  • In-patient mental health support
  • Loss of wages
  • Loss of future income
  • Emotional distress
  • Damage to your reputation
  • Wrongful death or suicide of a family member

How have social media companies avoided liability?

Until now, social media companies have been hiding behind a Federal statute written before social media even existed. The Communications Decency Act of 1996 shielded internet platforms from liability for the content posted by their users. In other words, as long as other people posted the content, the company couldn’t be held liable for the messages it contained.

Current lawsuits are challenging this lack of accountability by arguing that the companies’ algorithms are dictating the types of content directed at users. A near-constant barrage of ads and posts makes it difficult for users to escape exposure to toxic content.

How can the social media harm attorneys at Cutter Law help?

Social media companies exploited their young users when they failed to protect them from the addictive nature of algorithms in favor of higher profits. It’s time they stop being allowed to hide.

A California social media harm lawyer can explain your rights and help you move forward with a lawsuit. They will also negotiate a fair settlement or prepare your case for trial in the event that an agreement can’t be reached.

At Cutter Law, we’re dedicated to finding justice for our clients and want to hold these companies accountable. We will passionately advocate for your family’s needs and fight for the compensation you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation. We won’t charge you any fees until we’ve won your case.

Tiktok lawsuit gavel

At Cutter Law, we’re dedicated to finding justice for our clients and want to hold these companies accountable. We will passionately advocate for your family’s needs and fight for the compensation you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation. We won’t charge you any fees until we’ve won your case.


If you are involved in a car accident, try not to panic. Take a deep breath and follow these steps:

FAQ post

How do I file a lawsuit against TikTok?

You will need to consult with an attorney. They will review your claims and determine whether or not you have a case. In the event that you decide to file a lawsuit, your legal team will handle the investigation and paperwork necessary to begin the process.

FAQ post

How much can I get for a social media harm case?

Economic damages refer to the monetary losses involved. Those might include the cost of therapy or in-patient treatment for social media addiction. In the event that your child dies as a result of social media harm, damages could include funeral and end-of-life expenses.

FAQ post

What are non-economic damages for a TikTok lawsuit?

You or your child may also be awarded compensation for pain and suffering, loss of reputation, or embarrassment related to the social media claim. Estimating any personal injury case is difficult because each case is different. Many factors will play into the amount of compensation you receive. The good news is that we don’t charge you a dime unless we win your case.

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Do I need a social media harm lawyer?

Personal injury law is quite complex, and it’s not a process you want to tackle alone. Reach out to one of our California personal injury attorneys to get started right away.

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401 Watt Avenue Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95864
Phone: 916-290-9400

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Cutter Law P.C.
1999 Harrison Street Suite 1400
Oakland, CA 94612

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