Do I Need a Car Accident Lawyer in California?

Key Takeaways
  • While not legally required, consulting a car accident lawyer can significantly influence the outcome of your case.
  • Lawyers can help determine responsibility, pursue financial damages, and build a strong case.
  • In California, you have two years from the date of the car accident to file a personal injury lawsuit.
  • Be cautious of early settlement offers from insurance companies.
  • An attorney can estimate the true value of your claim and guide you through the legal process.

Following a California car accident, you are not legally required to contact a lawyer. However, a California car accident lawyer can have a great influence on the outcome of your case. A California car accident attorney can review your incident and help you determine who is responsible for your accident and if you can pursue financial damages. Next, your lawyer can help you build evidence for a winning case.

What to Do Immediately After a Car Accident

If you are involved in a car accident, try not to panic. Take a deep breath and follow these steps:
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Call 911

Seek out immediate medical attention if anyone is injured. This ensures that you and any passengers involved in the car accident will receive professional medical care and limit the risk of long-term injuries.

Keep track of all documents relating to your treatment and medical bills. This information will become increasingly important as you collect evidence for your California personal injury case.

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Gather Evidence

Start collecting evidence immediately following your car accident. At this time, you can use your smartphone to capture photos of any injuries or damage to your vehicle or property. Also, you should get the driver’s license information from the other driver involved in your accident. You may also ask for the contact information of any witnesses to the accident.

Meanwhile, after you call 911, a police officer will arrive on the scene shortly. The officer will collect information from you and anyone else involved in your car accident. From here, the officer can create a police report and provide it to you.

You should get a copy of your car accident police report. If you need a copy of it, you can request one from your local police department.

Following the accident, you should track all medical bills, lost wages, and other financial issues you encounter. You may need to share this information in court to show the financial damage you suffered due to your car accident.

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Consult with a California Car Accident Lawyer

You may receive a call from the at-fault driver’s insurance company after your California auto accident. The insurance company may push you to accept a settlement for any damages you’ve suffered.

There is no reason to instantly accept a settlement from an insurance company for damages, especially because they are likely offering less money than your case is worth. Rather, consult with a knowledgeable car accident attorney.

A California car accident lawyer can properly estimate the value of your case and help you navigate the legal process. Your attorney can explain how to file a lawsuit against anyone responsible for your accident. Your lawyer can help you obtain the maximum compensation amount based on your injuries and property damage.

How long do I have to file a car accident lawsuit in California?

In California, you have two years from the date of your car accident to file a lawsuit for personal injury. After the two-year statute of limitations passes, you cannot pursue financial compensation from anyone responsible for your auto accident.

How can Cutter Law P.C. help me after a car accident?

Cutter Law has helped personal injury clients earn millions of dollars in financial compensation. Regardless of the case, we work diligently to ensure our clients receive comprehensive legal support.

We are proud of our case results, and our success shows in our client testimonials. If there is anything we can do to assist you in your car accident case, let us know.

For your convenience, we have offices in Oakland, Santa Rosa, and Sacramento. Our California car accident attorneys are available to review your car accident case. For more information or to schedule a free consultation, please contact us online.


It is common for the at-fault driver’s insurance company to reach out after a California auto accident. The company will do so in the hopes of reaching a fast and cheap resolution regarding an auto accident claim. The company will likely try to avoid a lawsuit or other potential expenses related to the accident victim’s injuries or property damage.

Each car accident lawsuit is different. To determine the amount of damages you can pursue, meet with an auto accident attorney to review your legal claim in detail.

The cost to hire a California car accident lawyer varies. Cutter Law car accident lawyers charge clients on a contingency-fee basis. This means you won’t have to pay your car accident attorney unless you win or settle your case.

If you have been involved in a California car accident, it can be greatly beneficial to get in touch with an attorney. And if you have a valid legal claim, a lawyer can help you pursue financial compensation from any at-fault parties. To schedule a free consultation and review your case with a qualified car accident attorney, contact us at Cutter Law today.

The short answer is that you should file an auto accident injury claim with our firm if you’ve suffered an injury caused by a car accident. Even if you’re unsure whether you have a case, contact us for a consultation regardless. You may have a case and not realize it yet.

That said, there are a few factors that contribute to the most successful car accident lawsuits, including:

  • Negligent actions caused the accident in question.
  • Your accident involved one or more injuries.
  • The accident involved one or more fatalities.
  • Your car accident involved a public entity.
  • Upon recovery from the accident, you could not perform your job or return to your place of employment.
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